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The hidden costs of infrastructure backlogs for CoJ residents

The hidden costs of infrastructure backlogs for CoJ residents

Johannesburg is losing out on many of the benefits it could be getting from planned densification - despite the fact that it has had a comprehensive Spatial Development Framework (SDF) in place since 2016.


Like all good city regeneration plans, this aims to increase population densities within certain areas in order to make more efficient use of existing infrastructure, while improving the quality of life in those and other areas by providing more public transport, upgrading public spaces and encouraging more mixed-use developments that integrate residential, commercial and recreational uses.


In addition, says Kevin Wilkins of SJA Town & Regional Planners, the framework addresses one of the most important aspects of densification, which is to avoid or overturn gentrification and displacement by providing specifically for the creation of more affordable housing options in areas that are close to commercial centres and employment opportunities.


“It does this quite simply by allowing for residential properties in the city core and surrounding older suburbs - where the norm has often been a single freehold home on a relatively large stand - to be rezoned for much higher density developments such as apartment blocks and sectional title complexes, which typically offer homes that are more affordable and also lend themselves to the provision of more rental accommodation.”


In most of these traditional suburbs, he notes, developers can now build up to 60 units per hectare – and in Houghton, for example, almost every property could now contain a four-storey block of flats containing up to 30 units.


“However, for that amount of development to become a reality, the infrastructure would need to be in great shape, and unfortunately it isn’t, because it has been insufficiently maintained for many years. There is also no additional capacity in many older areas to support big new developments, which is why most high-density development is taking place in decentralised areas like Fourways and Waterfall.”


For the SDF to work, Wilkins says, the city’s water, sewerage, electricity, road, transport and digital networks will all now need to be significantly improved – at huge cost. Indeed, recent reports are that close to R300bn will be needed just to catch up on long-neglected infrastructure maintenance and upgrades over the next three years, with the city itself only able to provide a fraction of that amount.


The breakdown of capital needed includes around R154bn just to clear the road infrastructure backlog, R34bn to clear the City Power backlog and R24bn to clear the Joburg Water backlog, and the city is now hoping for banks, development finance institutions and private sector investors and developers to provide most of this.

Meanwhile, says Denese Zaslansky, CEO of the Firzt Realty group, Johannesburg residents – and the city council - continue to lose out on many of the most important potential benefits of densification.  


“We are seeing quite a few properties on main arterial roads being converted to offices or demolished to make way for commercial buildings, but these are small scale changes in the context of the SDF. Many suburban property owners who would like to subdivide their land and build additional housing units for sale or to rent, and many developers who would like to buy land and rezone it for new affordable housing cannot do so due to the city’s infrastructure problems.


“They are thus unable to provide more homes that would decrease the housing shortage and increase access to areas that are well supplied with shops, schools, public transport and other amenities as well as job or business opportunities.


“They are also unable to possibly generate rental income or increase the value of their land – which means that the city council loses out on potentially increased property rates.”


There is thus less money available, she says, to upgrade or beautify public spaces, or to expand public transport systems like the Gautrain and reduce residents’ transport costs and commuting times.


“And all residents then also lose out on the benefits of preserving or expanding parks and other green spaces, and of reducing the city’s carbon footprint by limiting urban sprawl, creating more integrated and walkable live-work-and-play areas, and encouraging more use of public transport.


“Consequently, we welcome the council’s current efforts to address Johannesburg’s infrastructure problems, and in the meanwhile suggest that any property owner contemplating rezoning should first consult property professionals and town planners to establish the feasibility of their plans and the capacity of the existing infrastructure to support any additional homes.”



Issued by Firzt Realty

For media inquiries contact

Denese Zaslansky on

082 560 1618

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Established in 2003, Firzt Realty initially focused on residential real estate, but has since expanded to offer a broad range of services in both the residential and commercial property sectors, including sales, rentals, auctions and property management.

28 Jan 2025
Author Firzt Realty Company
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